Skimun fyrir krabbameini í ristli og endaþarmi (KRE) á Íslandi; Skýrsla send heilbrigðismálaráðherra 2015; Ásgeir Theodórs og Tryggvi Björn Stefánsson.
Skimun fyrir krabbameini í ristli og endaþarmi Samvinna milli stjórnmálamanna og vísindamanna er nauðsynleg
The NordICC Study: Rationale and design of a randomized trial on colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer; NordICC Study Group
Leit að blóði í hægðum eða ristilspeglun? Ásgeir Theodórs og Tryggvi Björn Stefánsson.
Leit að blóði í hægðum:
Reducing mortality from colorectal cancer by screening for fecal occult blood; Jack Mandel, John H Bond; Timothy R Church, Dale C Snower, G. Mary Bradley, Leonard M Schuman, Fred Edere.
Effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer with a faecal occult-blood test, in Finland; J Pitkäniemi et al
Randomised study of screening for colorectal cancer with faecal-occult-blood test; Ole Kronborg, Claus Fenger, Jørn Olsen, Ole Dan Jørgensen, Ole Søndergaard
Um sigmoideoscopiur:
Cochrane Database of Systematic Review; Flexible sigmoidoscopy versus faecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer screening in asymptomatic individuals (Review); Holme Ø, Bretthauer M, Fretheim A, Odgaard-Jensen J, Hoff
Risk of colorectal cancer seven years after flexible sigmoidoscopy screening: randomised controlled trial; Geir Hoff et al
Time to benefit for colorectal cancer screening: survival meta-analysis of flexible sigmoidoscopy trials; Victoria Tang, W John Boscardin, Irena Stijacic-Cenzer, Sei J Lee.
Colorectal-Cancer Incidence and Mortality with Screening Flexible Sigmoidoscopy; Robert E. Schoen et al.
Once-Only Sigmoidoscopy in Colorectal Cancer Screening: Follow-up Findings of the Italian Randomized Controlled Trial—SCORE; Nereo Segnan et al.
Once-only fl exible sigmoidoscopy screening in prevention of colorectal cancer: a multicentre randomised controlled trial; Wendy S Atkin et al.
Um ristilspeglanir:
Colonoscopy versus Fecal Immunochemical Testing in Colorectal-Cancer Screening; Enrique Quintero et al. for the COLONPREV Study Investigators.
Colonoscopy vs. Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM): Rationale for Study Design; Jason A. Dominitz et al for the CONFIRM Study Group.